News & Events

Reception’s Busy Start To The Summer

26th April 2016

Posted on 26th Apr 2016 Reception have already been very busy this term.   We learnt about the patron saint of England, and discussed our event to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday, which we will celebrate on her official birthday.   As part of our planting and growing topic we have planted cress and kept…

Afternoon Tea Fit for the Queen!

26th April 2016

Posted on 26th Apr 2016 To celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s 90th Birthday, the children in Nursery decided to have their own afternoon tea party. The Explorers, Little Learners and Early Learners made their own crowns to wear and all the other children and staff including the Babies and Toddlers wore red, white and blue clothes. Jaxon…

Form 1 Visit Chester Zoo

26th April 2016

Posted on 26th Apr 2016 As part of our Science studies, Form One has been finding out about how animals can be classified into groups. To learn more in a practical environment, the children travelled to Chester Zoo on a bright (well, brightish!) April morning.   First stop was at the elephant enclosure. Everyone was amazed at…

Prep 3 Try To Win The Maths Trophy!

26th April 2016

Posted on 26th Apr 2016 Who would have thought that a maths competition between the forms could cause a stir?  Well, that’s certainly the case in Prep 3, as the children try to battle it out in order to retain the Maths Whizz trophy that they have recently prised from Prep 4!  There are no…

Prep 6 Look Forward to Barcelona

26th April 2016

Posted on 26th Apr 2016 The clock is busy ticking and each day Prep 6 remind me that we’re one day closer to our biennial trip to Barcelona.  This will be the second occasion that we’ve run this visit and Mrs. Smith, Miss Turner and I are all looking forward to it as well! During…

Charity Begins at Edenhurst

14th March 2016

Posted on 14th Mar 2016 Each year the school supports 3 main charities: local; national; international. For 2016, the national charity is Barnado’s. During the week beginning March 7th, the children will be taking part in sponsored ‘Care and Share’ activities. There will be more to report in the next Newsletter. The international charity is…

From The Nursery: Reading with Babies and Toddlers

14th March 2016

Posted on 14th Mar 2016 Here at Edenhurst Nursery, a love of reading is fostered from a young age. Simple board books and ‘feely books’ are favourites in the Baby and Toddler Rooms for the children to learn how to turn the pages and look at colourful pictures. The Babies thoroughly enjoy exploring the book…

Prep 3 Visit the Potteries Museum

14th March 2016

Posted on 14th Mar 2016 Prep 3 have been enjoying their History topic about Ancient Greece.  More than once, they have asked the question ‘How do we know about that, if it happened thousands of years ago?’ Well, Linda at the Potteries Museum in Hanley was happy to share with them one of the main…

Prep 4 Enjoy Their Play in a Day

14th March 2016

  Posted on 14th Mar 2016 Just before half term, Prep. 4 had a drama activity day where their task was to learn and perform a play which they would then perform for parents at 3.30pm. The day was led by our drama teacher, Mrs. Ella Jones. The chosen play was ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and the…

Prep 6 Enjoy Their Writing

14th March 2016

Posted on 14th Mar 2016 As mentioned in a previous newsletter, Prep 6 finished their 11+ preparation and launched straight into two competitions – the BBC’s 500 Words, and the Independent Schools Association’s annual essay writing competition.  The latter, entitled the Horsey Junior Award, gives prescribed topics for the children to write about but enough latitude…

Why Edenhurst?

Why Edenhurst?

Open Week
Come and see our wonderful school and nursery in action from 10th – 14th March
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