Prep (Year 3 to Year 6)

Upon entering the Prep Forms, a specialist subject-based approach is adopted. Each subject is led by a teacher who is a specialist in their own field, allowing the children to benefit from the expertise and enthusiasm derived from a genuine interest in each subject.

Pupils in the Prep Forms continue to build on their skills in English and Maths, as well as other core subjects, and preparation for entrance examinations at 11+ is an ongoing process at Edenhurst. Small class sizes of 20 or below are maintained to allow for the most advantageous pupil-to-adult ratio.

Children benefit from a careful and sensitive familiarisation with the demands of examinations, and parents are also invited to join the Head for a discussion on future schooling. Edenhurst has an excellent record in preparing children for transfer to senior school at age 11, and each year a number of children gain scholarships to a range of schools. Read more about our results here.

Written homework also begins in Prep 3, with tasks communicated daily in each child’s Homework Diary. Homework may also be set online, using innovative programs such as Century Tech, Google Classroom or MathsWhizz.


Pupils have the opportunity to be part of a wide-range of extra-curricular activities ranging from School Council, Eco Council, Drama Club, Dance Club, Skiing, Chess, Music, Quiz Club, Cooking Club, and a range of sporting clubs too. We promote pupil agency and are always looking for new activities to enhance our pupil’s time with us.

Why Edenhurst?

Why Edenhurst?

Open Week
Come and see our wonderful school and nursery in action from 10th – 14th March
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