School Development

The Edenhurst Edge

Our vision is to equip children with the necessary skills and attributes to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

We want them to have the ‘Edenhurst Edge’ – that little bit extra that sets them above their peers.

At  Edenhurst children can take pride in their individuality, and build their confidence and passion for learning. We develop their ability to embrace all the challenges they may encounter in later life.

Children become confident and adaptable risk takers, supported by specialist teachers.

We maintain the tradition of promoting Courtesy, Honesty, Respect and Endeavour in our pupils.

We work closely with parents to make our school feel like a ‘home away from home’ for our children.

We focus on what we do differently at Edenhurst and the choice that we offer parents in preparing their children for the next stage of their education.

Development Plan 2023-24 Priorities

Edenhurst Preparatory School continually undertakes a series of activities to evaluate its provision. Included within this are contributions from staff, pupils, parents and the governing body, the findings of which are incorporated into a School Development Plan.

Over the course of 2023-24, we shall be focusing on three key areas which are aligned with our mission and will support our vision.

The three key areas are:

Expanding And Enhancing Our School Community

Using IT To Enhance Learning Opportunities

Embedding CODE V2.0

To build and embed a school wide culture that actively encourages all stakeholders to play a part in expanding and enhancing our school community

To encourage and support pupils in taking ownership of their learning by developing their technological literacy

To embed the CODEv2.0 criteria throughout the school and nursery with regards to the Questioning strand:

  • 5.1 Pupils are able to ask and answer adaptive questions that build rich knowledge and understanding, developing higher order and critical thinking skills.

  • 5.2 They are given time to respond in various ways to questions which stretch their thinking and enable them to demonstrate understanding.


Why Edenhurst?

Why Edenhurst?

Edventures Summer Holiday Club

11th July – 30th August

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