Kindergarten (3-4 Years)

Our Kindergarten is our qualified teacher led preschool class for children turning four years of age. The Kindergarten room is located in the Early Years Department, next to the Reception class in a newly refurbished room.

In Kindergarten, the majority of children are beginning to read and write, and continue to develop their number work. The children are also introduced to specialist lessons, taking part in French, P.E. and Music with staff from the main school. Our Kindergarten children also enjoy regular interaction with older children for a number of activities, including an annual programme of joint events with Reception children.

Children are gently introduced to school life, establishing solid foundations and helping them to become confident, secure, and ready to fulfil their potential.

Children in Kindergarten can progress on to the School’s Reception Class in September after their fourth birthday.

Why Edenhurst?

Why Edenhurst?

Open Week
Come and see our wonderful school and nursery in action from 10th – 14th March
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