Babies (0-18 months)

Our dedicated Babies Room caters for babies from three months up to approximately 18 months, or when they are walking confidently.

The daily routine for our Babies includes breakfast, free play, outdoor activities, lunch, child-initiated activities and afternoon tea, as well as sleep as required throughout the day.

Children in our care benefit from a wide range of equipment that promotes development in all seven areas of learning, including rattles, books, musical instruments and pop-up toys, as well as toys that will aid their walking such as push-along carts and walkers.

Parents are kept fully informed of their child’s activities, through weekly planners and daily diaries, as well as letters and newsletters. Parents are also invited to speak regularly with the Nursery team in person, to ask any questions that they may have and to help ensure that each child’s learning and development is fully supported.

Why Edenhurst?

Why Edenhurst?

Open Week
Come and see our wonderful school and nursery in action from 10th – 14th March
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