School Fees

2024/2025 Fees

Our School Fees enable us to continue our commitment to ensuring the school is able to offer the highest possible standard of education and care for all our pupils.

Please note that all fees are inclusive of VAT.

School Fees from January 2025

The fees per term for Hilary Term 2025 and Trinity Term 2025 are as follows:



Fees Per Term


Reception, Form 1 and Form 2



Prep 3, Prep 4, Prep 5 and Prep 6


Trips and Events


Fees include wraparound care.

Lunch will be charged at £350 per term. For any clarification on schools fees and lunches, please see our terms and conditions

Pupil insurance £6.20.

Edenhurst Monthly Interest Free Payment Scheme

As an option for our parents, we offer interest free monthly payments, which can allow for easier budgeting and help make payments more manageable. To simplify the payment process, we have decided to provide our monthly payment option for the first three months of each term, meaning that fees for each term should be paid in three equal instalments during the first three months of each term.

Edventures Holiday Club

Day rate: £35 per day or one off annual payment of £1250

NB: Trips will be at an additional cost – amount will be emailed to you before each holiday.

If you choose the annual Edventure’s subscription, you can now pay monthly over 11 months instead of paying the full amount by October Half Term. To do this, you must already be signed up for the school’s 11-month payment plan (please see the link included in the fee letter). Parents who are not using the 11-month payment plan must still pay for the subscription by October.

Sibling Discount

Where more than one child in the same family attends the School or Nursery, the younger sibling(s) will be granted a discount of:
● 5% off Nursery fees;
● Youngest child (in school): Full fees
● Next eldest sibling (in school): 7.5%
● Next eldest sibling (in school): 15%
● Next eldest sibling (in school): 20%
● Additional siblings: discuss with the Head

When children leave the school the discount will leave with them. 

Other Discounts

We also offer discounted school fees for former pupils – please contact us for more details.

Using the Voucher System For Childcare

For further details of how to use Childcare Vouchers, visit

15 Hours Free Entitlement

Edenhurst will be continuing to offer the 15 hours Free Entitlement for 3 and 4 year old children. You can find information about eligibility by visiting

Tax Free Childcare

The Tax Free Childcare scheme allows parents to pay money into an online account. For every £8 paid in by parents, the government will contribute £2, with an annual limit of £2,000 annually per child. The arrangement is open to working parents, including the self-employed. The scheme is paid for by parents from post-tax and employee NI contributions: there are certain conditions (see below) in terms of employment and income that parents must meet in order to be able to pay into the scheme.


You can usually get Tax Free Childcare if you (and your partner, if you have one) are:

  • in work – or getting parental leave, sick leave or annual leave.
  • each earning at least the National Minimum Wage or Living Wage for 16 hours a week – this is £152 if you’re over 23.

This earnings limit doesn’t apply if you’re self-employed and started your business less than 12 months ago. If you’re not working, you may still be eligible if your partner is working, and you get Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance, Carers’ Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance. You’re not eligible if either you or your partner has a taxable income over £100,000.

Please Note – Tax Free Childcare and Vouchers can only be used to pay for Wraparound Childcare and Edventures (Holiday Club). We are unable to accept payment for any school fees using these methods and the payment will be returned to your account. 

If you have any questions about our fees or the funding that is available, please contact our Finance Officer, on 01782 619348 option 3, or email 

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Open Week
Come and see our wonderful school and nursery in action from 10th – 14th March
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