Form 2

Class sizes are small, averaging around 16 children, which allows for a very advantageous pupil-to-adult ratio. This ensures that your child’s talents and interests are recognised, nurtured and encouraged.

Children in Form 2 study a range of subjects including French, Music, P.E. and Swimming with specialist teachers, who form part of our staff body. Our main priority is to make school both enjoyable and productive. There are still lots of opportunities for play, and learning is enhanced through educational visits and themed days. Visitors to the classroom provide extra depth to topics studied throughout the year, and children enjoy frequent outdoor learning with our Eco School activities.

The curriculum is balanced through diverse extra-curricular activities, including dance, drama and judo.

Mini Duke Award

All pupils in Form 1 and Form 2 participate in the Mini Duke Award Scheme. These awards help our children to learn and practice a variety of life skills whilst also encouraging independence, confidence and resilience.

Each award has a variety of challenges, and, in order to accomplish a level, the children need to complete a selection of these challenges successfully.  On completion of a level, a well-earned certificate and badge are awarded during a celebration assembly.

Challenges include:

Silver Mini Duke (Form 1)

  • Make a piece of toast
  • Build a den
  • Vacuum 2 rooms and polish a pair of shoes
  • Play a board game, for example, Snakes and Ladders, Connect 4 (follow the rules carefully!)
  • Tie a selection of knots – shoelaces, a figure of 8 and a reef
  • Recite a tongue twister or read a book using different accents for the characters

Gold Mini Duke (Form 2)

  • Make sandwich/wrap/roll
  • Build a model
  • Wash a car
  • Play a game involving tactical moves, for example, Chess, Battle Ships, Scrabble, Monopoly
  • Learn to play happy birthday on an instrument of your choice
  • Write a thank you letter

Wraparound Care

During the school holidays, children can attend our popular Edventures Holiday Club and high-quality wraparound care is available if needed from 7:30 am – 6:00 pm (included in our fees).

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Edenhurst Open Week

7th – 11th October

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