Early Learners’ Concert and New Member of Staff

Posted: 26th May 2016

Posted on 26th May 2016

The Early Learners were very excited and eager for their annual concert this week and to perform on the stage for their parents, families and other special people. The children had talked about which people help us and named policemen, firemen, doctors, window cleaners and lollipop ladies. The children then learned new songs about People Who Help Us including ‘The Lollipop Lady’, ‘The Policeman’ and ‘The Firefighters Song’ ready to sing to everyone. The big finale of ‘Doctor Knickerbocker’ was also especially well received! All the children remembered the words and used their props brilliantly making their Mummies and Daddies very proud!

Click here to see some photos from our concert.


Mrs Pugh, Mrs Morris, Miss Goodwin and Ms Adams


I am pleased to announce the appointment of a new member of the team of Staff in the Early Learners Classroom.

Mrs. Karen Bradley will be joining us on Tuesday May 31st. She is extremely well qualified, with a Degree in Early Childhood Studies and also a Certificate in Education. In her previous career she has been a Lecturer and Assessor in Early Years Care and Education.

Now she is looking forward to helping our Early Learners particularly in their academic development.

As part of a slight re-shuffle of staff, she will be taking over the children in Ms Susan Adams’ key-group, as Ms Adams will be moving to the Explorers Room.

Nick Copestick, Headmaster

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