School Blogs

End of Term Fun

1st April 2021

World Book Day 2021- a little different this time- like most things this past academic year! It was important to us as a school, however, to ensure that we still gave the children the opportunity to dress up and celebrate their favourite characters and celebrate the incredible love of reading that we have seen blossoming…


31st March 2021

I write this as we approach the end of quite an unusual term and definitely one that has tested our resilience as a community. We arrived in early January only to be told that we would be in Lockdown the next day. I was astounded how well our children were able to once again, without…

Open Mindedness

26th March 2021

Mental Agility – Open Mindedness We all carry our schooling with us for the rest of our lives. This is particularly true when it comes to teachers. There are definitely two camps here: those teachers who loved their time at school and strive to emulate their own experience, and those who are putting to right…

The importance of Snappy

12th March 2021

  Life is a risk. Never before has our awareness of this been higher. One can’t help but feel bombarded by the statistics and the temptation to lock yourself indoors and never go out is huge. Even shopping has become an adrenaline-filled extreme sport!     In the run up to the full reopening of schools…

Children’s Mental Health Week

3rd February 2021

Children’s Mental Health Week   This week is Children’s Mental Health week and never before has this been more important to highlight. It is important that we recognise that if we as adults don’t look after our own mental health, we will not be able to support our children as we need to.   Never…

The recipe for a great school

22nd January 2021

What makes a school good or great? Educational researchers have poured over this for years and generated huge amounts of data. Data is important and can provide us with a great deal of insight but sometimes you have to go with your gut. That is what is reflected in this blog. I have been working…

Introducing the EPIC CLASS of 2020 award!

15th January 2021

Watch our video to learn more about our new Prep 6 leavers programme ‘The EPIC CLASS of 2020 Award’

Mr Hibbert’s Christmas Message

18th December 2020

  This year has been like no other. We’ve learnt so much about ourselves and those around us. We’ve laughed. We’ve cried. We’ve clapped. We’ve Zoomed. And we’ve Google Meeted A LOT! And what we’ve learnt is that no one has all the answers. Not even the Prime minister. But as never before we have…

A Letter to Santa

15th December 2020

A letter to Santa This year, for the first time in over 40 years, I wrote a letter to Santa. And it worked! Within a couple of days of writing it, my wish was partially granted. I am now utterly convinced that the remaining parts of my wish will also happen and we will have…

Our Poetry Recital Winner

11th December 2020

The Power of Poetry  If you know how to use poetry it will help you a lot in life. You could send an important message or feeling to another person. For some people, it has got them their dreams. All you need is confidence and projection; If you just pay attention to what you are…

Why Edenhurst?

Why Edenhurst?

Open Week
Come and see our wonderful school and nursery in action from 10th – 14th March
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