Our Poetry Recital Winner

Posted: 11th December 2020

The Power of Poetry 

If you know how to use poetry it will help you a lot in life. You could send an important message or feeling to another person. For some people, it has got them their dreams. All you need is confidence and projection; If you just pay attention to what you are reading or writing you can take your prize. Do that and you can achieve anything! Maybe sometimes things don’t go the way you planned them to but keep trying and they will, I promise.

George Powner


This little piece by George sums it up perfectly for me. Watching our children confidently deliver complex poems and get lost in the experience was a joy. The Nicholas awards will now be a permanent fixture on our calendar. The name has nothing to do with Christmas, despite the timing. It is a doff of the cap to our previous Headmaster, Mr Copestick, who himself is a confident orator.

Mr Hibbert

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