School Blogs

Outstanding Talent at Edenhurst Annual Spring Concert

22nd March 2024

What a wonderful end to the Spring term at the Forum Theatre, Hanley where our whole school performed in the  Spring Concert. I was so very proud to see every child in the school performing on the stage. They looked super smart in their uniforms. The talent that we have at Edenhurst is just outstanding….

Ski Week Makes Memories to Last a Lifetime

22nd March 2024

We all had an amazing week skiing in Italy. The first day was challenging with awful weather and white-out conditions but the snow was fabulous. All children and staff made so much progress through the week, tackling slopes we would have never dreamed of before. We had fun in the snow parks and a great…

National Gallery Take One Picture Event

22nd March 2024

During the week starting March 11th, pupils from Nursery to Prep 6 who didn’t participate in the Ski Trip engaged in an educational event called Take One Picture. This event, held annually by the National Gallery in London, focuses on enriching arts-based learning experiences. The objectives of Take One Picture include promoting arts and visual…

Head’s Blog: March 2024

22nd March 2024

“Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’” – Robin Williams There is something truly magical about the arrival of spring. I love the way that nature slowly awakens from its long sleep, the emergence of bright colours and fragrances and the promise of sunnier days ahead. For me, spring’s arrival brings with it a…

Edenhurst Promotes Children’s Mental Health Week

8th February 2024

At Edenhurst, we proactively promote positive mental health, and are always ready to support those that require it. This week (5th-11th February), we have been focusing on Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is ‘My Voice Matters’. In line with the UN Convention’s ‘Rights of the Child’, we have been looking at our rights…

Prep 6 Exam Results Success

8th February 2024

Prep 6 have recently completed their entrance exams and the results have been absolutely amazing. Amongst these children, they have managed to secure multiple scholarships, with some children earning TRIPLE scholarships. St Dominics scholarships in academics, music and performing arts NULS scholarships in academics and music A Denstone all rounder scholarship Stafford Grammar entrance exam…

Edenhurst Nursery Experience After School Club

8th February 2024

Over the last year, Edenhurst Nursery has opened its doors to children from Prep 3 to Prep 6 for the Nursery Experience After School Club. The initiative has fostered a strong sense of community, bridging the gap between the older and younger children within the school. Family at Edenhurst extends from the top of the…

Head’s Blog: Reflections

8th February 2024

And just like that, we are midway through the Hilary Term, and, rather alarmingly, halfway through the school year. The month of February signals that we have reached a significant milestone in the academic calendar and this is the ideal moment in time for us all to pause and take stock. It’s a chance to…

Results of School Pastoral Parent Survey 2023/24

8th February 2024

Our 2023/24 Pastoral Parent Survey results are in! They show that the majority of parents within our Edenhurst community express high satisfaction with school life. They describe the school as a cheerful, welcoming, and nurturing environment, emphasising our commitment to delivering an exceptional learning experience for all children. The survey highlighted the following strengths: Responsiveness…

Navigating School Open Days: A Guide to Making Informed Choices for Your Child’s Education

25th January 2024

Choosing the right school for your child is a significant decision that comes with extensive research. School open days offer an invaluable opportunity to explore the environment, meet educators, and gain insights into the school’s culture. At Edenhurst Preparatory School we have put together this guide to provide you with an overview of what to…

Why Edenhurst?

Why Edenhurst?

Edventures Summer Holiday Club

11th July – 30th August

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