Outdoor French Learning with Kindergarten and Form 1

Posted: 9th July 2024

As the school year draws to a close, it’s a great opportunity to get out of the classroom and put our languages learning to good use. 

Kindergarten enjoyed their first boules session this week and although the weather wasn’t very summery, the games were a lot of fun and the children showed great maturity and good sharing skills. 


Through the last half term, Form 1 have been learning all about holidays in their French lessons, learning words linked to the beach, practising a seaside poem and learning how to ask for an ice cream in French – a very important life skill I believe! 

As a treat for all their hard work, Form 1 were rewarded with a real life ice cream instead of my normal model one we use in the classroom. All children asked for their ice cream and the correct flavour in French, using their s’il vous plaits and mercis too. Well done Form 1!

Madame Priest 

Head of Languages

Categories: Form 1 Nursery School Blogs

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