Prep 5

Science Day for Prep 5 at Think Tank!

9th July 2024

Prep 5 had an amazing day exploring the wonders of science at Think Tank in Birmingham. The day kicked off with an engaging workshop where the children used their ICT coding skills to build and program small Lego robots—a big hit right from the start! They then delved into exhibits on the natural world, evolution,…

Prep 5 & 6 Maths Challenge at Cheltenham College

8th February 2024

On Tuesday 30th January, eight children from Prep 5 and 6 took part in a Maths Challenge at Cheltenham College. During the day, they were faced with a range of challenges and showed great teamwork, logic and perseverance. They had a thoroughly enjoyable day and had a fantastic time. 

Exploring Science: Half-term Highlights

15th December 2023

This term, our Science classes have been buzzing with various engaging activities and experiments, providing our students with hands-on learning experiences. While we’ve had a multitude of activities, here are some of the highlights that the children loved the most! In our Healthy Living topic, Prep 6 had a blast measuring their lung capacity. They…

Prep 6 Leavers’ Destinations

20th October 2023

At Edenhurst, we take great pride in our commitment to nurturing pupils for a seamless transition to a broad range of different senior schools and are proud of our track record in supporting children to choose the right school for them. We have a very successful track record of pupils being offered places at notable…

Exciting Experiments in the Science Lab

20th October 2023

It has been very busy in the Science lab this half term. There was the sound of excited chatter in Prep 3 as the children used their creative skills to build a race track out of Lego, whilst learning about forces. They were challenged to race their car around the track without touching the car….

Prep 4 & 5 Trip to Blists Hill

12th July 2023

Last week, Prep 4 and Prep 5 visited Blist Hill, Ironbridge Museum in Telford! We spent a fantastic day learning and exploring all about the Victorian era!  We started the day getting into our ‘school uniform’, marched through the town in a silent line (girls first and then the boys), and eventually met our very…

A Stunning End of Year Performance

11th July 2023

Our end of year play, The Pirates of the Curry Bean was performed at the Mitchel Memorial Theatre on Tuesday 27th June. The performance involved all of prep 3-6 children, with a live band and professional sound and lighting. The children worked tirelessly over several months to prepare for the big performance and it paid…

Prep 5 Study Greek Mythology in Latin

16th February 2023

In Latin this term, Prep 5 have been studying the ancient myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. They began by reading a selection of texts describing the events of the myth to build up a broad picture of the story. We have been learning that over time, the details of myths and legends do change…

Developing a Love of Science

14th February 2023

At Edenhurst, we offer Science as a specialist subject from Prep 3 onwards. Taught by our Science specialist, Mrs Nash, Science at Edenhurst encourages students to develop and explore their natural inquisitive nature about the world around them. Prep 3 This term Prep 3 have started to learn about rocks and their uses in the world around…

Annual Bellevue Spelling Bee

14th February 2023

Our annual Spelling Bee with schools from across the Bellevue Group was another fantastic example of how our children really do have The Edge: they are resilient, full of courage and full of kindness to one another. Standing up in front of your peers and spelling tricky words is no mean feat, especially when just…

Why Edenhurst?

Why Edenhurst?