Form 1

Outdoor French Learning with Kindergarten and Form 1

9th July 2024

As the school year draws to a close, it’s a great opportunity to get out of the classroom and put our languages learning to good use.  Kindergarten enjoyed their first boules session this week and although the weather wasn’t very summery, the games were a lot of fun and the children showed great maturity and…

Pre-Prep Visit to Delamere Forest

20th October 2023

On Thursday 28th September, Reception, Form 1 and 2 went on an adventure to Delamere Forest and what a brilliant day it was! We went on a walk through the woods and saw where the squirrels and badgers live and learnt about what they eat – we even found lots of nibbled squirrel food! Next,…

Form 1 Explore Holiday Adventures in French

24th May 2023

In French this term, Form 1 has been learning all about going on holiday. They have learnt a poem using verbs and nouns to describe things you might do at the beach, including, throwing a ball, putting shells into a bucket and touching the sand. The translation for the poem is: I see the sea…

Celebrating Form 1 Progress and Achievements

24th May 2023

Dear Form 1, You are superstars. You work hard every single day and have made so much progress so far this year. You are the most determined 5 and 6 year olds that I have ever met. You show perseverance, open mindedness and risk taking in all lessons and you take all challenges in your…

Form 1 & 2 Trip to St. Giles Church

31st March 2023

On Friday 10th March, Form 1 and 2 were invited to St. Giles Church where they learnt all about Christianity. They got to experience what happens at Church every Sunday, from carrying the cross, to playing the organ and watching Miss Knight and Mrs Carroll dress up as a reverend. They even got to have…

Class Christmas Parties

15th December 2020

Wow, what a lot of fun! From Christmas jumpers to Christmas dinner, to Christmas parties to A LOT of sweets and chocolate! The children really did have the best day, just take a look at the pictures for proof.  Coming to the end of a tiring and unusual term, we all needed this blow out…

An In School Trip

15th December 2020

In recent years, Pre-prep has visited Conkers, Delamere Forest and Cannock Chase for our annual activity days. Being in the grips of a pandemic, we thought that this year would have to be different but with the wealth of experience our staff have to offer, we decided to create our very own Activity Day.  Form…

Form 1 Visit Stafford Castle

14th May 2020

  Posted on 14th May 2020 In March, and what seems like a different life-time, Form 1 visited Stafford Castle. We were immersed in all things medieval and learned a huge amount about how people lived their lives in medieval castles. The children had a fantastic time learning, amongst other things, how to defend and…

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