Exciting Experiments in the Science Lab

Posted: 20th October 2023

It has been very busy in the Science lab this half term.

There was the sound of excited chatter in Prep 3 as the children used their creative skills to build a race track out of Lego, whilst learning about forces. They were challenged to race their car around the track without touching the car. Very tricky!

Prep 4 were introduced to Bob, the resident lab skeleton, and his collection of vertebrate skeleton friends as part of their topic on the human body.

Prep 5 have been learning about materials and dissolving. They finished off the topic by comparing whether jelly cubes or powder would dissolve the quickest, resulting in some yummy jelly just in time for an October class birthday.

In Prep 6 they have been fascinated by the human eye and have been confidently presenting the answers to their curious questions.

Even more exciting has been welcoming Form 2 to the lab, for their Science lessons, for the very first time. They have enjoyed learning about materials, recycling paper and even made their own material monsters, which were very scary! 

Mrs Nash

Categories: Form 2 Prep 3 Prep 4 Prep 5 Prep 6

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