Head’s Blog: The Life of a Busy Prep School

Posted: 24th May 2023

“Hi! Are you okay? Have you had a good day at school?  What have you been up to today?” 

“Yeah. Nothing much.” 

Whether a parent or a teacher, I’m pretty sure we’re all familiar with this brief (and often frustrating) exchange with our loved ones at the end of the day.

But what really goes on behind the scenes of a bustling Prep School?

Well, let me enlighten you. There really is never a dull moment here at Edenhurst. To say we’ve been rather busy this term would be an understatement. Just ask any member of our school community and they will smile, take a deep breath and effortlessly reel off a myriad of activities that they’ve been embroiled in. Don’t get me wrong – this isn’t a complaint – we all love getting involved and actively seek out opportunities to join in. In fact, we positively thrive on getting stuck in!

The academic provision, and therefore the progress and achievement of all of our pupils here at Edenhurst is, without a doubt, outstanding. The highlight of my day is popping into class and witnessing first hand the enthusiastic way in which our pupils interact with staff and learn. Their curiosity knows no bounds. However, at Edenhurst, we go that extra mile and provide a multitude of curriculum enhancing opportunities. That’s the ‘’Edenhurst Edge’, the vital components that help our wonderful pupils shine and stand out from the crowd. 

Since returning to school on 24th April, as well as the usual scheduled fixtures, allotment visits, Forest School pursuits and variety of extra-curricular clubs and activities, our pupils have had the opportunity to visit Bletchley Park, the Brampton Museum and the Islamic Centre and Mosque in Shelton. They have participated in a Chess Tournament and Tchoukball Festival at our sister school, Brabyns and attended Bikeability training on site and around the local area. In addition to this we have held parent evenings, invited family and friends on site for a celebratory coronation picnic and launched our monthly Friday Lunch Club where parents are encouraged to come and dine with their children. We have welcomed the Bellevue Learning Review Team on site for their annual visit and Adam Atkinson, Head of Digital Development, who ran a series of fun, interactive workshops with our pupils and spoke to parents ahead of our 1:1 device roll out in September. As I write, there is a definite air of anticipation as we gear up for the annual ‘Camp Edenhurst’…Phew! 

But wait! There’s still much more to look forward to…. I’m talking Sports Days, a Celebration of Learning event, a concert to showcase our soloists and one for Early Learners, the  Prep 5 hustings where pupils throw their hat in the ring for roles of responsibility next academic year, our school fair, this year’s performance of The Pirates of the Currybean, a trip to Wimbledon, the end of year school disco AND our annual Speech Day and Prize Giving. 

Wow!  Just reading through this comprehensive list of events, I’m exhausted but excited, and truly thankful for the wonderful school community that makes all of these events possible.

Plans are also afoot in and around the school and I was delighted to recently share this update with parents. Please do take a look what we are up to: Behind The Scenes Of A Busy Prep School

As I said, there really is never a dull moment here at Edenhurst and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Wishing you all a happy, safe and rejuvenating half-term break.

Mrs Emma Mousley

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