The Power of a Preparatory

Posted: 4th March 2022

This year has been one of the most successful for Edenhurst in terms of Scholarships received and 11+ Grammar school places offered. The latter is very significant as we are very far outside of the catchment area of Haberdashers’ Adams’ Grammar School and Newport Grammar and this means that the bar is exceptionally high. Children typically need to be in the top 5% to be successful. Despite this, we have consistently been successful in securing places at these schools. In fact, pupils from Edenhurst have achieved Grammar places every year for the past 5 years – a notable achievement for a small school like ours.

As an ex-mining engineer, I like to understand how things work and am always keen to take things apart to do so. Occasionally, I am unsuccessful at putting them together again! So why do our children do so well? I will explore this later but the main reason is: WE ARE A PREP SCHOOL! This is very important because it sets us apart from other schools in the area.

Preparation for 11+ begins when children start at the school and for many of our children that is in the Baby Room. The process is very well established and quite low-key and allows children to join in at any stage. However, the earlier they start, the better. A big part of this success is our wonderful staff team who all engage with the children, getting to know them and helping them reach their full potential. Specialist teachers develop key skills from Early Learners all the way through to Prep 6. 

Our broad curriculum and focus on metacognition results in children who can think critically and work independently. When faced with tricky exams, they remain calm and unflustered due to the gentle exposure, over many years, to this pressurised situation. We teach 3 languages at Edenhurst: French from Early Learners, Latin from Prep 3 and Spanish from Prep 5. Although this does not form part of the test, our children become excellent linguists as demonstrated in their English results. Verbal and non-Verbal reasoning skills are introduced early on and timetabled from year 3. We utilise the most modern and cutting edge methods to deliver these, including the artificial intelligence platform, Century Tech. Children are taught how to write an exam successfully and practise this skill.

All of the above sounds very much like an academic hothouse but it isn’t! We are the polar opposite of that. We prioritise children and what is best for them. We listen to them and actively help with the development of their Character. Every activity and experience at the school is tailored to meet the needs of children. As a result, when children are ready to leave Edenhurst they take with them a multitude of skills that go far beyond the curriculum. Sport, drama, music and art make for articulate, well-manned and confident children. Children who can cope with whatever the world may throw at them.

All this work is done with constant collaboration between parents and the school. We work with them to ensure that their children are successful and happy.

We are not an exam-factory. We are not linked to a senior school. We are not selective.

We are a Preparatory school in every sense of the word.

We prepare children for life.

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