Virtual Reality comes to Edenhurst

Posted: 15th December 2020

We may have been in lockdown, but that didn’t stop us taking the children on a trip, thanks to the wonders of virtual reality. What better way to visit the surfaces of the planets in our solar system, take a tour of the Galapagos Islands, see through the eyes of animals and swim with some of the largest vertebrates in the sea. The children in the Prep years were extremely excited when they found out that their weekly Science lessons and for some year groups also one of their English or Humanities lessons, would be taught whilst they were wearing a virtual reality headset. The topics that had been selected for them were linked to one of their national curriculum topics, so each year group had a different expedition to experience, except for one final extra trip at the end of their lesson where they were blasted off into space; definitely not somewhere we could have taken them in person. The children fully immersed themselves into the experience and the squeals of delight and enthusiasm in the room was, to quote Mr Hibbert “full of awe and wonder”. How lucky were we to be able to borrow this inspiring equipment to enable the children to step into a different world, even if it was just for a short time. Maybe in our letter to Santa we might ask him if he has some room in his sack to leave us some virtual reality headsets of our own.

Mrs Nash and Mrs Hibbert

Categories: Prep 3 Prep 4 Prep 5 Prep 6

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