From The Nursery: Building Relationships

Posted: 21st September 2017

Posted on 21st Sep 2017

Since the big move two weeks ago, many of the children are now starting to settle into their new rooms and gain in confidence. Many of the younger children can be wary of new situations and need that little bit more support or nurturing from their special person or key worker in Nursery.

At Edenhurst each child is allocated a key worker to support their personal, social and emotional development and help them settle into their new room. In order to settle well, the children need to form attachments to the staff who care for them in order to learn and develop well. This first relationship allows them to start to explore and venture away to interact with others.

As they grow older this helps them to start to interact with others and make friends, showing affection for familiar people.

See our picture gallery of the happy children in their new rooms smiling and making friends!


Miss Whitmore


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