Prep 6 CREST Awards for Science Skills

Posted: 12th July 2023

As part of their EPIC adventure, this term Prep 6 have been busy working towards their CREST award.

This is a nationally recognised scheme where children complete a series of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) activities, putting both their investigational and creative skills to the test. The children were given a list of activities to choose from, plus a few extra chemistry ones, which they were very keen to try out!

They have become sherbet designers, kite makers, boat builders and glue manufacturers, to name just a few of the tasks that they completed. There were even a couple of challenges set for them to investigate and enjoy with their parents at home.

It has been a lot of fun and the children have really shown off their curiosity and perseverance. Prep 6 are now looking forward to seeing if they have done enough work to achieve their ‘SuperStar Award’ certificates.

Categories: Prep 6

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