Writing, Writing Everywhere!

Posted: 20th January 2016

Posted on 20th Jan 2016

This is the time of year where, for some reason, we have been innundated with the opportunity to showcase our writing talent!  Regular listeners to BBC Radio 2 will be aware that this week, Chris Evans launched this year’s ‘500 Words’ competition.  Yesterday we received details about the Independent School Association’s annual essay competition, where there is a choice of six different titles to be written.

invited us to enter their creative writing competition, to celebrate the writing talent that we have throughout the Bellevue Schools.  Following the competition deadline of Monday 22nd February, Weston Green School will call upon two external judges and authors to consider the work produced and choose their winners, with prizes being awarded for each category.

It is always great to have the opportunity to celebrate and showcase the fantastic writing that is produced by our children, and to give them the chance to share their talents with the world beyond school.  The skills honed week by week through reading, studying and applying grammar, comprehension and experiencing different genres of text, can be brought out through the chosen topic or story.

We look forward to sharing some of the chosen stories in a future newsletter.  To find out more about the BBC’s ‘500 Words’ competition and how you can support the work we shall be doing at school, click here.

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