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Liz Hodgkinson

School Email:

Me professionally:

Having studied in York and qualifying to become a teacher, my first teaching job was in Stoke- on-Trent, teaching Reception. I then taught at various city schools and with all age groups from Reception to Year 8 ( there were middle schools in Stoke then). This was for the first half of my teaching career. I then moved to the Independent sector, teaching mainly Reception but also Years 1, 2 and 4. I started teaching at Edenhurst in the year 2000, in year 4. I prefer Reception aged children and was pleased to be asked to take the Reception Class after three years, and am still thoroughly enjoying the daily challenges of four and five year olds!

Me personally:

I am married and have two daughters and three grandchildren. I love spending time with my family and especially looking after my grandchildren.  I thoroughly enjoy family holidays in Cornwall or the North East where we all spend time walking and sight seeing. I am a member of the National Trust, RSPB and Trentham Gardens and enjoy days walking and visiting places of interest. I play the piano and am teaching  myself soprano saxophone. I enjoy reading and going to the theatre to see both plays and musicals. I also enjoy swimming and am beginning to take an interest in gardening.

Random fact about me:

I attended Edenhurst as a pupil from the age of eight to eleven.

My husband taught at Edenhurst ( all through his teaching career !)

I used to live in Cornwall, the Cornish accent can still become apparent when I visit ! and I thoroughly enjoy sailing.

I have skied down Mont Blanc, ( mostly off piste ).


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Why Edenhurst?

Edventures Summer Holiday Club

11th July – 30th August

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