Prep 4 Visit to Cadbury World

Posted: 23rd May 2024

As part of our literacy curriculum and our topic of Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Prep 4 visited the Bournville Estate and the Cadbury factory for an initiation into how the nation’s favourite chocolate was first developed and how it is currently created.

We began with an introductory film in the 4D cinema where we went on a wild and bumpy virtual roller coaster into a chocolatey wonderland. Following lunch, we had a tour of the factory and exhibition, with lots of visually stimulating activities and shows to engage us. We were given a sample of melted Cadbury chocolate and we could choose two toppings, this was definitely a highlight, it was absolutely delicious and a well-timed pick me up at the end of the tour. 

To finish up, we visited the Bournville Museum where we could see Cadbury memorabilia through the years which gave myself and Mrs Heyhoe some nostalgic memories and we finished up with a session on tempering chocolate and trying to write our names using the liquid chocolate. I think we have some budding chocolatiers. 

The visit was a lovely end to our topic and after having spent many weeks developing and perfecting our own descriptions of a chocolate factory in English at school, we could see our imaginations brought to reality.

Categories: Prep 4

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