Head’s Blog: Making Memories

Posted: 22nd May 2024

“School days are like a treasure chest, filled with memories that sparkle like gems in the treasury of our minds.” – Michelle Obama

A couple of weekends ago, whilst rooting around in the garage, I came across a long forgotten box, stuffed to the brim with memorabilia from my school days. Inside, I was delighted to uncover a rather eclectic mix of valuables including:

  • A variety of battered exercise books backed in sticky back plastic (this was the rule at the convent school I attended and I remember sitting at the kitchen table for hours every September, covering book after book and painstakingly trying to remove air bubbles with a pin)
  • A multitude of extremely neat, hand written report cards (it appears that Mrs Richards, my Latin teacher, wasn’t very happy with me one year) 
  • A random collection of faded, crumbling novelty erasers (I have a vague recollection of them being scented back in the day)
  • A dried up Sheaffer fountain pen complete with empty cartridge
  • My red, slightly rusty, St Theresa’s House Captain Badge
  • A haphazard jumble of photographs (it appears that backcombed, heavily hair-sprayed hair was all the rage in the 80s)

Looking through and examining my mound of treasure, I was surprised by how quickly and vividly the memories of school came flooding back, each one evoking a blend of nostalgia and fondness.  It’s remarkable how these seemingly ordinary items managed to unearth precious moments that have been tucked away in the corners of my mind for many years, waiting to be revisited.

I still remember the excitement of the first day of senior school, the flutter of anticipation mingled with a hint of nervousness as we all lined up in the hall in our new, pristine uniforms, waiting to learn which form group we’d been assigned to. Yet, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into years, those initial feelings of apprehension melted away, replaced by a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

For me, it’s the small moments that seem to stand out the most – the laughter shared with friends during lunch break, the thrill of victory on the sports field, the sense of accomplishment after being on stage, the excitement of a school trip. But amidst the highs, there were also lows – moments of disappointment, frustration, and uncertainty. Yet, it was through these trials that I learned resilience, perseverance and the importance of never giving up on my dreams.

Looking back, I realise that it isn’t the academic lessons that have left a lasting impression on me, but rather the opportunities I was afforded and the people I met along the way. From the teachers who inspired me to the classmates who supported me and became like family. Together, we navigated the ups and downs of adolescence and I am filled with gratitude for the memories we made, the lessons we learned and the friendships we forged. 

The past seven weeks have flown by and I cannot believe that we find ourselves midway through the Trinity Term, the last of the academic year.  It gives me great pleasure to look back and marvel at everything we have achieved and celebrated together and I am grateful for the multitude of exciting experiences that the Edenhurst community have been afforded.

We watched in awe as pupils confidently took to the stage for ‘Edenhurst’s Got Talent’. What a skillful bunch! We were treated to a host of fabulous acts who burst into song, busted some extraordinary dance moves, executed complicated gymnastic displays, belted out well known tunes on an instrument, wowed us with yoyo skills and hoodwinked us with their magic. Kindergarten also proudly took to the stage with their interpretation of Julia Donaldson’s ‘What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday’. What a production! It really tugged at the heart strings to see some of the youngest members of our community act, sing and deliver their lines with such joy and confidence. Next up, Form1 and Form 2 delighted us with a humorous and highly entertaining  musical performance of Roald Dahl’s ‘Three Little Pigs’.

The pupils have been extremely busy on the sports field this half-term. Playing matches both home and away as well as participating in ISA competitions, they have experienced athletics, cricket, cross country and rounders and even played on the pitch at Port Vale Football Club! Our educational visits, designed to enhance our broad curriculum have taken us all over the place! From Bletchley Park, Chester Zoo, Think Tank, Cadbury’s World to Château Broutel in France, everyone had the most wonderful time.

The annual Camp Edenhurst is a much anticipated event on the calendar and this year was no exception. Not only did the children learn how to set up tents for an overnight camping experience with their friends, but they rose to the challenge of making, lighting and cooking on open fires, skillfully applied first aid techniques and participated in a variety of team building games. Next year’s date is already in the diary!

It was wonderful to see so many family members and friends bravely take the opportunity to come back to school themselves during Edenhurst’s first ever Art Open Classroom event. Inspired by the National Gallery’s Take One Picture programme, which aims to inspire a lifelong love of art and learning, pupils and their guests worked with a variety of mediums to produce an array of individualised pieces of art influenced by  Pieter de Hooch’s painting ‘The Courtyard of a House in Delft’. Watch this space as next on the agenda are science and IT.

It is often said that your school days are the best days of your life.  For our pupils, parents and staff, Edenhurst is not just a school, somewhere to come and learn – it’s a community. It’s a place where firm friendships are established, dreams take flight and laughter echoes through the corridors. It’s where precious, life-long memories are made.

Wishing the Edenhurst community a happy, safe and (hopefully) warm half-term break. I look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday 3rd June for what promises to be a memorable, fun-filled (and rather hectic!) sprint towards the summer holidays.

Emma Mousley


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