ISA Young Storytellers Competition Winners

Posted: 24th May 2023

Last term, Reception Class wrote a collaborative story and entered it into the ISA Young Storytellers Competition. We are delighted to announce that out of over 110 entries, we were chosen as one of ten winners. Our story will be featured in a book; once it has gone to print, more information will follow. For now, I hope you enjoy our story printed here…

The Adventure 

One sunny day, Little Frog climbed out of the pond. It was the first time she had ever left the pond, and all her brothers and sisters were leaving too. For the first time ever, she heard birds singing, so Little Frog sat and listened. Suddenly, a black bird flew down and picked Little Frog up. They flew high into the sky and black bird dropped Little Frog into her nest. Little Frog looked around and saw four yellow chicks. Their mummy returned and fed the chicks worms. She fed Little Frog as well! Little Frog grew bigger and bigger until one day, she hopped out of the nest and made her way back home to her brothers and sisters. They were all happy to see each other again and lived happily ever after!

By Edenhurst Prep School Reception Class

Categories: Reception

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