Teaching and Learning at Edenhurst

Posted: 14th February 2023

At Edenhurst, we are committed to ensuring that we keep up to date with the latest research and pedagogical developments in education. This academic year, staff at Edenhurst have been working with other schools in the Bellevue group to upgrade our ‘charter of excellence’, otherwise known as C.O.D.E 2.0 challenge, ownership, dialogue and engagement. These are the four areas that underpin our planning for teaching and learning. Within these four groups, there are sub-topics and this term’s focus will be: 


  • Pupils make academic progress through actionable feedback from teachers and peers, which is dynamic, specific, personalised and regular both within and beyond the lesson.
  • Pupils are reflective and adept at monitoring and improving their learning (with guidance as appropriate).


  •  Pupils are able to ask and answer adaptive questions that build rich knowledge and understanding, developing higher order and critical thinking skills.
  • They are given time to respond in various ways to questions which stretch their thinking, imagination and intellect.

If you would like any further information about C.O.D.E 2.0 or our curriculum and assessment in school, please contact Mrs Bennett: susannah.bennett@edenhurst.co.uk

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