Nursery Squiggle While You Wiggle!

Posted: 14th February 2023

The Explorers and Little Learners (age 2-3) have started a new exciting programme this month called Squiggle While You Wiggle! 

The Squiggle Early Learning Programme is a developmental approach designed specially for the early years and encourages the early stages of mark making and physical development used in writing when the children are older.

The Explorers are starting to learn the Wiggle me into Squiggle movements and are using material called Flipper Flappers. By using these, the children are developing their gross motor skills to strengthen their muscles and brain connections in a fun way. 

Sessions start at 10 minutes and are part of our daily routine. 

Once they have mastered all of the 10 movements, the Little Learners children move on to Squiggle whilst you Wiggle which introduces a different move that links to the letters of the alphabet. Following this there is a mark making session where the children use two crayons, two pens or two chalks to strengthen their body and brain bilaterally.

The final part of the programme is called Squiggle me into a Writer where each letter has a dance and a mark making session; for example, ‘m’ starts with the song “I like to Move it” by Madagascar 5 and ‘u’ starts with the song “Under the Boardwalk” by the Drifters. 

We have loved our sessions so far and can’t wait to learn all the moves and songs!

Categories: Nursery

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