Posted: 8th July 2022



What a year it has been for Edenhurst and the EPTA! I cannot believe how far we have come since the start of the Michaelmas Term back in September 2021. We, at the EPTA, were adamant that the money raised in 2022 was going to make a BIG difference.
Now, coming to the end of the Trinity Term and having time to reflect, I think, through a bucket load of your generosity and a massive heap of hard work, we have achieved that goal! The generosity that has been shown from parents and carers has blown us away! From donations of cakes, bottles, toiletries and even a scooter, to all the money raised through the refreshment tents at the sports days, your generosity has enabled us to purchase and provide some amazing gifts and facilities including; reading books for every child at Christmas, gardening equipment for the nursery and eco council, a weather station to record and monitor weather data (weatherlink.com/map/shared/Boa…), commemorative jubilee coin for every child and a personalized leavers album for every child in prep 6 to name but a few. We have also provided a number of services and competitions and organised some special events this year including the:
● Edenhurst Ball
● Uniform Store facility
● Pumpkin Carving Competition
● Drinks Tents for the nursery and prep school sports days
● Summer Fayre

None of this would have been possible without the unwavering dedication from a small team of committed and enthusiastic teachers and parents who donate their time and energy to help make all
of this happen and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them. From the school community a massive thank you goes to Mrs Wardle, Mr and Mrs Bennett, Miss Whitmore and Mr and Mrs Hibbert. Thank you so much for enabling the EPTA to do what it does best and provide additional support and experiences for the children of Edenhurst. From the parent community; Gemma Savigar, Mandy Lees and Emma Wilkinson. You ladies, are absolutely amazing. Your support and unwavering dedication to making all of the above happen does not go unnoticed and you deserve a humongous thank you and an EPTA Gold medal! And finally Di Harrison who is the EPTA SUPER-glue! The one that behind the scenes makes it all work. Thank you Di from the bottom of our hearts! We hope you all have a great summer and PLEASE if you would like to join us at the EPTA next year and help us put together more great events and experiences then do get in touch by messaging us on our social media pages or seek us out at the school. We would love to hear from you and welcome you in September!


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