Maths this Half Term

Posted: 18th February 2022

What do you call a number that can’t sit still? A roamin’ numeral!

Our Maths learning has definitely seen us roamin’ this half term – either around the astro turf as part of our number hunt for Number Day or expanding our horizons as far as Cheltenham College for a Maths Challenge Competition!

The 4th February saw every year from Reception to Prep 6 become involved in the NSPCC Number Day. There were many exciting activities for everyone to participate in: a ‘wide game’ number hunt around the astro turf, dressing up to physically represent a number or a Maths concept (shout out in particular to the Roman Numerals and Human Calculators for very original ideas!), a teacher number hunt (which particularly got the Prep 4s buzzing about numbers!) and a whole afternoon of competitive and educational house teams games led by Mr Bennett and Mrs Whitmore. It was fantastic to see the whole school together, working collaboratively and quickly to solve the challenges – congratulations to Wedgwood for winning overall! A special mention also to Aakriti and Charlie in Preps 3 and 4 for guessing the answer to the ‘how many spots on the dominoes’ game! Thank you to everyone who generously donated – we raised £157 for the NSPCC, which is a fantastic amount.

On the 10th February, 8 of our budding young mathletes travelled to Cheltenham College after Edenhurst were invited to compete in a Maths Challenge competition. We are incredibly proud of how the children represented the school, through their impeccable behaviour, great sportsmanship and fantastic teamwork. Despite lunch and the hot chocolate machine being the firm highlights of the trip, the Maths-side of things actually went very well too, with both teams finishing 3rd! Technically Prep 6 tied for 2nd place on points and Prep 5 were only 1 point away from 2nd place, but we won’t dwell on the small details…!
There is a fantastic buzz for Maths across the school at the moment and we are definitely excited to see where our Maths learning will take us next.


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