End of term round up

Posted: 8th July 2021

Summer Concert 2021


What a very special and emotional evening the Summer Concert was this year. After not being able to perform live for 18 months it was with great pleasure, and relief, that the Summer Concert was able to go ahead in a COVID safe environment. ( Thank you to Mrs Wardle and her team who put all the safety measures in place.) 

I must say a huge thank you to all the staff for their help and especially Mrs Nash, Madame Priest and Mrs Twigge for their organisational skills and patience in the rehearsals.

Thank you to Mr Box and Mr Kirkbride who made the stage look very professional.

The children had worked extremely hard preparing all the songs from Reception to Prep 6. 

We heard a variety of music from class songs, solos, small ensembles and the choirs.

I really enjoyed the Wellerman Sea Shanty performed by our guitar ensemble who had rehearsed in secret, in their own time with Mrs Hollinshead-Bland, as a surprise for me. How fantastic that was. I was extremely touched.

A huge thank you to Mrs Hollinshead-Bland for giving up her time too, to enable our children to have that wonderful experience of playing in a band together.

I was very proud of all the children who turned up to perform at the concert.

Mrs West worked her magic in a short space of time with Prep 6 and a few Prep 5 children to put on the drama which was fantastic. I am sure we can all relate to certain aspects of the show. A big thank you to her for all her hard work.

I cannot express enough thanks to my very good friend Mr Thorley for all his time he generously gives in helping me to rehearse with the children.  His hard work, commitment (and humour) are greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!

The weather was perfect, the children were superb and to top it all England won their match against Germany. A great night was had by all.

It is opportunities like this that put Edenhurst ahead of other schools to enrich the lives of both our children and parents. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for helping me to put on a concert of that calibre, especially considering the unprecedented times we have had to endure throughout the last 18 months.

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy summer and I look forward to hopefully a more ‘normal’ year next year with lots of musical opportunities for our pupils.



Sports day 2021


A friend of mine said “Sports Day without parents is like having Christmas without Santa” 

The day was set: Bridgewater, Moorcroft, Wedgwood, running track, sunshine, and SPECTATORS. 

Changing our format to Sports Day and running two separate events for KS1 and KS2 was a fantastic idea and enabled us to ensure the safety of children and spectators. 

With the help of all the brilliant EPS staff both events were a great success with all children competing in a minimum of four races, hurdles, sprint, object collecting and obstacle. 

Unfortunately, we couldn’t have the super competitive parent races but we hope to have them back next year. However, the teachers’ race did go ahead and what a race it was! We still have a number of teachers hobbling around now. 

An amazing day for pupils, parents and staff and a sign, hopefully, that normality is back and hopefully going to stay!




Condover Hall. A large mansion house in a small, leafy village nestled in the heart of Shropshire… and where Prep 6 found themselves on the most incredible, residential adventure!  

Suitcases dumped in the bunk-bed dorms, and we were off for our first activity- abseiling!  Harnessed up and helmets on, a quick brief on the expectations and everyone was raring to go… raring to go that was until it was time to walk up the 6 flights of steps until we reached the top of the tower… Looking over the edge, so many of us suddenly realised we had a fear of heights and that we couldn’t take that first

step off and ‘just lean back into our harnesses.’  So many of us froze with fear and tears rolled down our cheeks. Until, that is, we heard the chants of our classmates and the words of support and encouragement cheering us on to put into practise the bravery, courage and risk-taking that we learn about every day in school. (There were a few of us that weren’t scared though and we bombed it down the tower, kicking off every bounce!)

The second and third day included more team-work; more heights; more collaboration; more resilience; and more perseverance as our bodies were tired (nothing to do with the sweets and all-nighters, promise!) and the tasks were getting more and more challenging. That wasn’t the only thing there was more of though- there was even more support, kindness and friendships forming in ways that they hadn’t done before.  Children (and teachers!) who were scared and nervous the day before, were filled with the encouragement from their friends and all the children made incredible progress from one day to the next. 

Residential trips offer such invaluable benefits to children such as independence, furthering our social skills and deepening relationships with teachers and classmates.  As a class, we’re so thankful that we had this opportunity to create memories that will last us a lifetime! 

Prep 6, Prep 6, Prep 6, oi, oi, oi! 




Chester Zoo


We went to Chester Zoo with Form 1. We went around looking at animals. When we got there, we looked at the elephants, they were so, so big! The lions scared me a bit. We couldn’t see the spiders which made me a bit sad but when we saw the flamingoes it cheered me up. My favorite thing was the spider monkeys. They were very thin and small. I loved the spider monkeys but they were smelly, in fact they were very smelly! Then we had lunch, it was yummy. After lunch we saw the chimpanzees. They were good at climbing. We also saw giraffes, they ran very fast and they were so cool. 

Aidan Averill Form 2


Blists Hill- A Prep 4 recount


On Friday 18th June 2021, Prep 4 went on a trip to Blists Hill. We travelled there on a coach and it took approximately one hour. Although it was a long journey, we had an awesome time telling funny jokes and playing games.

When we got to Blists Hill, a lovely man led us to a dressing room, where we dressed up as Victorian children. The boys wore jackets and caps and the girls wore dresses and bonnets. It was hilarious. We all found it highly amusing!

Next, we walked in two single file lines, boys and girls separate. The boys had to have their hands behind their itchy jackets and the girls had their hands in front of them, crossed over. We made our way to the Victorian school.

When we got there, there was a lady waiting, who seemed very strict but she was only acting. We wrote on slate with slate pencils. We learnt that in school they had the ‘Three R’s’: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. We also repeated our ABC’s and 4 times tables. I was starting to feel very thankful for living in 2021. 

After that, we walked to the Brickworks where the nice man told us how they used to make bricks. He said, “Victorian children would be able to make a brick in 30 seconds, make around 1000 bricks a day and would carry 3kg around.” Max had to hold the brick we made for the rest of the day, but I really wanted to!

We had the opportunity to look around the village with just our class and a man sang a song called ‘I have never seen a straight banana’. It was really funny and a great end to the day!

Finally, we got back on the coach around 2:30pm. I was so tired and managed to sleep for a little bit on the way back, even though I’m not sure how with all the noise. We got back around 3:45pm, just in time for some Golden Time. We had a lot of fun, what a day it was!

Connor Barrett, age 9


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