End of Term Fun

Posted: 1st April 2021

World Book Day 2021- a little different this time- like most things this past academic year! It was important to us as a school, however, to ensure that we still gave the children the opportunity to dress up and celebrate their favourite characters and celebrate the incredible love of reading that we have seen blossoming across the school. Although World Book Day is usually a single-day event, the children’s discussions about the character they are going to be starts weeks before! Whilst the costume making (or last minute Amazon buying) can be stressful for parents, the discussions and the day about books, characters and reading is so worthwhile and so important in the children’s reading journey! The buzz around the school; the smiles on everyone’s faces; and the opportunity to act and be silly with friends and teachers is definitely a highlight on our school calendar- we hope you enjoy looking through some of the photos from our character parade! Till next year, keeeeep reading!


Eco Day

We were excited to be doing our bit to help the planet by taking part in Earth Hour 2021. Earth Hour was actually on Saturday 27th March but we decided to invite the whole school to wear green and blue all day on Friday 26th. Every class took part in a variety of activities including making posters, scavenger hunts, writing pledges, turning off lights, writing poetry and persuasive letters to the local council about the unpleasant smell in the area. Some classes completed litter picks in school and the local area and some planted seeds. Everyone looked amazing and the school was buzzing with talk about our world and local environment. The key message from the campaign was for the whole world (individuals, communities and businesses) to switch off lights for an hour (8.30pm-9.30pm) to support nature and our planet. We look forward to taking part every year.


Categories: School Blogs

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