The Nursery – a reopening story…. – by Miss Whitmore, Mrs. Pugh and Mrs. Copestake

Posted: 10th July 2020


Posted on 10th Jul 2020

The greater the storm the brighter the rainbow

We are proud of our children and how brave they have been returning to nursery. They have shown lots of confidence and adapted to the new changes with enthusiasm.  It has been lovely to see how they have grown and listening to their fabulous stories.  The children were all extremely excited to see their friends and key workers sharing lots of fun laughter and learning together.

We have made the most of the sunshine by taking our learning outside utilising all the nursery and school grounds for example the story and singing outdoor area, playground, astro turf, marquee and under the canopy areas. We have enjoyed phonics under the trees, worksheets under the canopy and mark making on the playground with a focus on pencil control. Working together to problem solve connecting tracks and experimenting with floating and sinking sharing our thoughts and ideas with our friends expanding our critical thinking. The children have been involved in malleable play exploring their senses.

Thank you to parents and carers for your continued support throughout these changing times especially for preparing packed lunches and snacks. It is very much appreciated.

Finally, we want to say a big thank you to our fabulous staff for adapting brilliantly whilst maintaining a high standard of care and education.

Liz, Rachel & Alyson

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