Well what a start to the school year! We began with our AGM back in September, and it was great to see such a large turnout, with parental representation from all school years including the Nursery! The AGM enabled us to set out the focus for the year and discuss a number of key initiatives and challenges which included: providing donation drop-off points for preloved uniform to resell at the uniform shop; mental wellbeing ideas, specifically in the form of yoga classes for the whole school; monitoring of the current uniform provider; new school led learning tools and how we can support their implementation. improved access of information for children approaching secondary education; and of course the setting out of the EPTA sponsored events.
And we were off!…..The first initiative we delivered in October was in the form of a shiny new school magnetic calendar for parents to help keep track of the year’s events. We hope you find them useful! In November we held the second EPTA-led annual charity Fashion Show raising funds for the Peter Pan Nursery in Wolstanton. A great cause and one that was brought to life by the wonderful Catherine who gave a very moving presentation on the night. We will be presenting Peter Pan with a donation of £500 in the New Year, which they will put towards the purchase of a new security system.
We have also agreed the purchase of a new composter. This will support our school in their quest for renewing the ‘Green Flag’ accreditation this academic year.
This month, so far, we have donated the first EPTA Christmas Tree and held the Christmas Fayre, both of which were organised by the amazing EPTA Deputy Chair, Di Harrison. We would like to thank all the volunteers who gave up their time to decorate the school, run stalls, sell cakes and make it the success it was. As a result we managed to raise £740 for Edenhurst.
We also have more events taking place this month! From the raffle that will be drawn at the last assembly of the year, where one of the prizes is to be Headteacher for the day (please buy your raffle tickets!), to the children’s festive present giving from the EPTA. Let’s also not forget our first Parent & Child Florist event, run in conjunction with The Flower Pot Florist, and led by the talented Mandy. We will hopefully be looking to do another similar event around Easter. If you haven’t done so already please get your ticket, it will be a wonderful event and one the children can get involved in too!
I would like to say a massive well done to the dedicated, fantastic and talented EPTA team and a great big thank you to everyone for supporting your EPTA and your school! We look forward to welcoming the new decade, new year and new term!
Happy festivities!
(EPTA Chair)