Working in Partnership with Parents in Little Learners

Posted: 23rd October 2019

Posted on 23rd Oct 2019

In the Little Learners we have a genuine commitment to working cooperatively with parents. One of the ways we encourage our positive relationships with parents is through the introduction of small projects to do at home. 

For our first project we asked the parents to make and decorate a sensory bottle with their child. The children then brought them into Nursery to show their friends their marvellous creations. We discussed the colours, materials used and the sounds they made when we shake them! 

The second project was linked to our theme of ‘All About Me’ and we asked for everyone in the child’s family to draw around their hands and decorate them. We then looked at the sizes and differences in hands. We made a lovely display on our wall where everyone can see them and talk about them!

Here are some photographs of our lovely bottles and please do look out for the next task to be sent home!

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