VIDEO: Reception's First Few Weeks at Edenhurst

Posted: 3rd October 2019

Posted on 3rd Oct 2019

All our new Reception class have settled in well and we have had great fun doing various activities.

We have all met our Prep 6 buddies, and love seeing them each day at playtimes.

We have had a road safety talk and had fun sitting in a large delivery lorry, and learning a rap about road safety.

In Forest Friday we picked potatoes and rhubarb, and are excited about planting onions and garlic soon.

We made spiders, sequenced the rhyme Incy Wincy spider and made up a spider dance, we even managed to find spider’s webs in our forest Friday activity, in the school garden.

We enjoyed making dinosaur masks after we heard the story Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School, and we talked to our listening partner about our favourite part of the story.

We have all loved playing with activities and going swimming, doing PE and French and Music and have loved our first few weeks!

Click here to see some pictures of our lovely Reception children and watch our short video below.

Categories: Reception

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