From The Nursery: Babies Celebrate Wow Moments

Posted: 22nd May 2019

Posted on 22nd May 2019

This month, our new initiative in the Baby Room is to recognise and celebrate all those Wow Moments that our children are achieving! All parents love to see when their child has taken their first step, said their first word or stood up by themself. In our Baby Room we see the children do lots of exciting things in Nursery and love to hear about the new things they have done at home too.

Each child will have a star on the Wow Board and the staff will write down anything that makes us say “Wow” and put it on the board for everyone to see! There will also be a star for parents to take home and write down any exciting achievements at home to share with everyone!

This month we have already seen our Babies start to sign by themselves for the first time, enjoy outdoor play, copying words said to them, smiling to new people who come into the room and become more confident at walking!

Follow us on our closed Twitter feed at @EPSNursery for more of our Wow moments and look at our photographs here.

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