LEJOG and The Importance of Adventure

Posted: 10th May 2019


Posted on 10th May 2019

You may or may not have noticed a silence on my part with regards upcoming cycle by me and Mr Barber from Land’s End to John o’Groats (LEJOG). There is good reason for this. The prospect truly frightens me, and I honestly doubt my ability to complete it! I have never cycled 100 miles in one day – let alone 100 miles for 10 days consecutively! While reflecting on this I quite quickly came to the realisation that this was the exact reason I should embark on such an insane adventure. I have spent a lot of time over the past months talking to you and your children about the importance of developing a Growth Mindset and not being afraid to fail. The time has come for me to put this into action.

So why is this important? I truly believe that we have a responsibility to act as role models for our children. There is no point in us encouraging them to take risks and develop a Growth Mindset unless we do the same. We want our children to be adventurous and healthy and we should lead the way. So, a couple of months ago I dusted of my bike, dug out the Lycra and began a journey towards John o’Groats. It hasn’t been easy. I am not a natural cyclist and I am not very fit (YET!) but I am going to give it my best go.

Mr Barber and I are very keen that this becomes an Edenhurst community event and would really value your support. We are raising funds for the EPTA and for our local charity – Our Space, and would really appreciate any donations to our Just Giving page.

We would also appreciate your involvement in other ways. We will publicise our route, put regular updates on Social Media using the hash tag #EPSLeJog19 and are looking into a tracking app – please follow us. We would also encourage people to join us on the route just to cheer us on or cycle with us. Edenhurst is one of our planned stops and we would love to see as many of you on the 17 th of July, when we arrive or the 18 th when we depart again (times to follow). I am even happy to bribe you with coffee and cake!

I’ll leave you with a quote from T.S Eliot: “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”

Michael Hibbert – Mamil (Middle-aged Man In Lycra)

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