Edenhurst Staff Take On Epic LEJOG Cycle Ride For Charity

Posted: 9th April 2019

Posted on 9th Apr 2019

Two of the Edenhurst staff are putting their best wheel forward to raise money for charity by cycling from Lands’ End to John O’ Groats.  Mr. Hibbert and Mr. Barber will cycle 912.9 miles and 46,929 vertical feet to raise money for local charity Our Space and the school’s Edenhurst Parent and Teacher Association (EPTA).

They will depart from Land’s End on 14th July, and aim to complete the challenge in just 10 days, raising more than £10,000 for their chosen causes.

Many of you will know that Mr. Barber is an enthusiastic cyclist.  He has always wanted to do LEJOG and he has somehow managed to talk Mr. Hibbert into taking part too, to raise money for the School and our nominated charity, Our Space.

Our Space is a local charity that provides unique social and recreational opportunities for children and adults with disabilities from its specialist facility, The Brook Centre, in Newcastle-under-Lyme.

The School will donate half the funds raised to Our Space and the other half will be donated to the Edenhurst Parent and Teacher Association (EPTA), who are raising money towards resurfacing the School’s playground.

Edenhurst Preparatory School is part of Bellevue Education. In a bid to ensure as much money goes to charity as possible, Bellevue Education will be supporting the duo by covering the cost of accommodation along the route.

The target of £10,000 is ambitious and the Edenhurst team are very grateful for the support they have already received from parents at the school, colleagues, and friends and family.  During their House Activity Day, the Edenhurst pupils designed T-shirts to support Mr. Barber and Mr. Hibbert.  The children have taken these home for the holiday to finish off.

Mr. Barber said: “We would like to thank all our many sponsors so far for their fantastic support and generosity.”

Anyone who wishes to sponsor the team should contact Mr. Barber via email on david.barber@edenhurst.co.uk

Donations can also be made via their Just Giving site: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/epslejog2019 

Updates of the team’s fundraising, training and ride progress can be found on Twitter using the hash tag #EPSLEJOG19

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