Spring Concert 2019 – A Night At The Musicals

Posted: 8th April 2019

Posted on 8th Apr 2019

I was so proud of all the children who performed in our Spring concert. It was absolutely superb! Well done to everyone.

I thought it would be good idea to have a theme for this year’s concert and so I chose ‘A Night at the Musicals’ which resulted in every class learning a song from a musical. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning their songs and about the musicals to which they belong.

The school choir opened the concert with ‘Close Every Door To Me’ which they sang beautifully. One of the highlights of the concert was Reception performing their ‘Crazy Frog’ dance which they had learned for their class play.

Every class performed with confidence, musicality and I am always astounded how they all manage to learn all the words from memory. They all looked so professional on the stage and their behaviour was exemplary.

A few highlights for me were the Little People’s Choir performing ‘Do Re Me’ and  ‘The Bare Necessities’; Lizzie L singing ‘Truly Scrumptious’ – she sang just like Jemima in ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’! – and Sophia H has the most beautiful voice, singing with maturity beyond her years.  The instrumentalists all performed beautifully as well.

Like Mr. Hibbert, my favourite musical is Les Miserables. I really enjoyed the Chamber Choir performance of ‘Castle on A Cloud’ and ‘Bring Him Home’.

The proudest bit for me was seeing the whole school performing the ‘Mary Poppins Medley’ at the end of the concert. It was a really special moment and an uplifting end to a fantastic concert. Well done again to everyone!

Click here to see a selection of photos from the night.


Mrs Jones

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