Prep 6 11+ Update

Posted: 21st March 2019

Posted on 21st Mar 2019

Our oldest Edenhurst pupils have come to the end of their 11+ journey.  They have ACHIEVED highly and we are all proud of the progress that they have made in the time that they have been with us.

In September, they will transfer to a range of schools.  We are delighted that all are going to places that will support them in their learning and will help them to continue to grow and develop as young people.  

  • Arjun A: 11+ with Sports Scholarship, Denstone College; 11+ with Sports Scholarship, Newcastle-under-Lyme School.  Arjun has opted to join NuLS.
  • Hettie B: 11+, St. Joseph’s College, Stoke-on-Trent
  • Jiya B: 11+ with Sports Scholarship, Newcastle-under-Lyme School
  • Grace C: 11+, Beech Hall School
  • Charlie H-S: 11+, Beech Hall School
  • Noah K: 11+, St. John Fisher School
  • Isabella M: 11+ with All-Rounder Exhibition Award, Ellesmere College
  • Sosuke M: is relocating to Japan this week.  He passed the English part of his exam for his new school with flying colours – well done!
  • Siya P: 11+ with Governor’s Scholarship, Newcastle-under-Lyme School
  • Teddy T: 11+, Ellesmere College
  • Jakob T: 11+, Newcastle-under-Lyme School

At Edenhurst we very much take the view that preparation for senior school begins when a pupil joins us – for many, this will be in Reception or in the Nursery. Therefore, skills such as the ability to co-operate; read and write well; work as a team; to play a musical instrument; take part in drama or art activities, or other extra-curricular activities…the list goes on…are all as much a part of the preparation for senior school life as the more academic focus that takes place in Prep 5 and Prep 6.

Thank you to Mr. Barber, Mrs. Nash and Mr. Barnes for providing additional classes in the run-up to all of the 11+ exams, to help pupils learn the different aspects of exam technique.

Our Prep 6s still have much to do and enjoy before they go – a Spring Concert; the School Play; the Bellevue Northern Schools’ Year 6 Sports Jamboree; plus their own Leavers’ Trip and our Speech Day.

Well done to each and every one of them – we are proud of you! 

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