Music Is At The Heart Of Edenhurst

Posted: 8th March 2019

Posted on 8th Mar 2019

Mrs. Jones has been a little busier than usual recently…in addition to practising for the Form Plays and Spring Concert, she has been moving rooms!  Music and the performing arts have always been at the heart of Edenhurst, and all pupils have the opportunity to perform each year in the Carol Service, Spring Concert, Form Plays and School Play.  Now, we have literally moved Music to the middle of the school: with Form 2’s relocation to ‘The Beardies’ next to the Science Lab, the Music room is now next to the Library and has also undergone refurbishment.

Around 100 individual music lessons take place each week, along with the Chamber Choir, Little People’s Choir, Prep Choir, as well as the Ukulele Group, African Drums and Recorder Group.  We are delighted that both parents and pupils continue to place such a high value on Music and look forward to showcasing this at our Spring Concert in April.

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