Edenhurst Christmas Carol Service 2018

Posted: 15th December 2018

Posted on 15th Dec 2018

The Edenhurst community of pupils, parents, staff, alumni and friends gathered in St. Giles Church, Newcastle, for our annual Carol Service last week.  For many, this is the highlight of our school calendar: an occasion where every pupil participates and one that is truly pupil-led.  Prep 3 performed the Nativity with much confidence and the story of the birth of Christ was narrated with aplomb by Prep 6.  In addition to the congregational carols, there were performances by our Chamber Choir and Little People’s Choir (Reception and Pre-Prep classes); the Early Learners and Reception children stood up at the front and sang so well in front of a large congregation; and the recorder group also played a traditional carol.  It seemed to be over in a flash but there had been much work behind the scenes in bringing everything together.  Specifically, thank you to Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Weetman for producing the Nativity; to Mrs. Jones and Mr. Thorley for the music; and to Mrs. Wardle for things to numerous to mention!  

There was a great feeling of warmth inside the church – nothing to do with us having to ask for the heaters to be turned off! – and it was lovely to note that the congregation felt led to applaud the children after they had performed.  Your encouragement helped to lift the children and give them the confidence to perform better and better.  In Biblical terms, the church is not a building; it is the group of people – the building is simply a place for them to meet.  If the ‘church’ is one of encouragement and development, the members will grow.

On the way out of the service, a parent commented to me: ‘For a small school, you really do punch above your weight!’  Music remains alive and well at Edenhurst; we continue to celebrate it each term, with our Form Plays and Spring Concerts for you to enjoy in the Hilary Term.

Thank you for your generosity – we raised £560 in the post-service collection, which will be split between St. Giles Church and the Douglas MacMillan Hospice.

Click here to see some photos of our 2018 Carol Service.

Have a blessed Christmas and a joyful New Year.


Chris Barnes 

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