Prep 6 Achievements: 11+ Exam Update

Posted: 2nd December 2018


Posted on 2nd Dec 2018

Our Prep 6 children are now almost halfway through their 11+ exams. This is the culmination of development that begins in the Nursery… without the vital work that takes place in Early Years and is then built on progressively throughout their time at Edenhurst, our children would not ACHIEVE as highly as they do. I am delighted to report the following results:

St. Joseph’s College 11+

  • Hettie B

Newport Girls 11+

  • Jiya B

Both girls passed their exam; they will find out if they have successfully gained admission next year.

Newcastle-under-Lyme School 11+:

  • Arjun A
  • Jiya B
  • Siya P
  • Jakob T

In addition to passing their exams, Arjun was awarded a Governors’ Academic Scholarship and Siya was awarded a Governors’ Exhibition Award.

Well done to all of our Prep 6 pupils!  There remain some exams for Denstone College and Ellesmere College after the Christmas break, after which point there will be a further report.

Mr. Barnes

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