The Ladies Fashion Show was our inaugural event, kicking off a somewhat jam-packed social diary for the year ahead! The evening was very well attended with over 80 ladies enjoying a glass of fizz and canapés whilst experiencing the catwalk fashions at the wonderful Wychwood Park Golf Club! ‘Colours Fashions’ showcased a fantastic collection of outfits and accessories with clothes to suit everyone; from the youngest to the oldest in the room! We think it is safe to say we will definitely be running another fashion show in 2019!
With all of your wonderful support; from the ladies that joined us on the night, to the parents, families and friends that bought raffle tickets, and not forgetting those wonderful parents that donated one off large sums to the cause, we were able to a raise an amazing £1550 – well exceeding our target! This has humbled us all at the EPTA and we really do appreciate everyone’s
support! We are now able to provide the school with its very own defibrillator and arrange for the necessary training to the teachers and support staff at Edenhurst. We believe this will definitely save lives!
All additional funds raised will be used to provide extra experiences and equipment for the children at Edenhurst. For example, as a result of the additional funds raised we have been able to support the Eco Council and purchase some much needed garden tools. We’d like to give a massive thank you to William Riley & Sons of Halmer End who provided the tools at a discounted rate! Rileys have also offered a 10% discount (on all purchases over £20) to any parent or teacher who mentions Edenhurst on checkout!
Click here to see some photos of the evening and of the garden tools that the EPTA have been able to provide for the allotment and Eco Council.
Diane Harrison, on behalf of the EPTA.