Take One Picture Project

Posted: 26th October 2018

Posted on 26th Oct 2018

In the run up to the October half-term, children have been working with Mrs. Twigge in their Art lessons on the ‘Take One Picture’ project.  The ‘Take One Picture’ project (http://www.takeonepicture.org.uk/), conceived by The National Gallery, invites schools to choose one picture from an art gallery and base all of its art teaching around that.  In order to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hibbert to our school, Mrs. Twigge put forward a shortlist of pieces of African art on which the children could base their work.  Everyone in the School community voted and the winning picture was ‘Mural’ by Walter Battiss. 

You can see some photos of the children taking part in the Take One Picture project here, and here.

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