Grandparents' Coffee Morning

Posted: 1st June 2018

Posted on 1st Jun 2018

Grandparents made a return to the classroom recently, as part of a special coffee morning organised for grandparents of children in our Early Learners and Reception class. 

The event was designed to allow them to see their grandchildren hard at work and play and get involved with a range of lesson activities.

Reception Class had great fun working with their visiting grandparents, completing activities with a minibeast theme. Unfortunately it was so cold and wet the visit to the bug hotel had to be cancelled, but everyone enjoyed making minibeast masks, a dragonfly collage and sorting plastic mini beasts. However the minibeast bingo seemed to be the number one activity of the morning!

Meanwhile Early Learners children were tasked with a range of activities including butterfly printing, designing their own plant using play doh and making finger puppets. At the end of the event, grandparents stayed behind to share stories with the Early Learners before it was time to go home.

Headmaster, Nick Copestick, said all the children were very excited to welcome their grandparents into school. 

Mr Copestick said: “We are proud of the School’s strong family ethos and recognise that grandparents play a huge part in the children’s lives. This event was a chance for them to experience a range of learning activities with their grandchild, view their classrooms and examples of work and help them to gain insight into how education has changed since they were at school. The time went all too quickly, everyone had a wonderful time returning to school for the morning and thank you to all those who came.”

To view images from the event please click the links below:

Early Learners


Watch a short video from the event below.

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