Form 2 Explore Wonderful Wildlife

Posted: 3rd May 2018

Posted on 3rd May 2018

Form 2 had an amazing time at The Wolseley Centre (run by Staffordshire Wildlife Trust) earlier this week learning all about plants and life under the water. Our leader (Jill) had planned plenty of hands on interactive activities to INSPIRE the class to learn about plants we find in woodlands and open spaces. The class worked well measuring the girth of trees to decide their age and they also became confident at identifying different trees by observing the shape and size of their leaves. 

In the afternoon it was fantastic to see Form 2 working with their partners while investigating pond life. They loved the pond dipping but were also very excited to identify what had been found. We found plenty of caddisfly larvae which had made their home inside broken reeds. It looked like we had caught walking sticks!  There was also a water scorpion, tadpole and greater diving beetle. These all generated good discussions.  

It was a shame the day went so quickly!

Click here to see some more photos from our visit.

Mrs. Heyhoe, Form 2 Teacher

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