The Babies have been having different themed days as part of their learning. Music Monday, Tactile Tuesday, Wet Wednesday, Thinking Thursday and Fitness Friday were on the agenda this week!
As part of Music Monday the children explored the pots and pans to see which ones made the most noise. Tactile Tuesday helped the Babies to use their sense of touch, exploring jelly and playdough. Wet Wednesday meant water play and ice play. Brrr, that was cold! The Babies got their thinking caps on for Thinking Thursday, exploring the puzzles and working out which pieces went where. Finally Fitness Friday meant getting outside to stretch our legs and tummy time on the soft play and gymnastics mat for the younger Babies. What a busy time we had!
Click here to see some pictures of the Babies enjoying their themed week.
Miss Jankowski, Miss Hulme, Miss Buxton and Miss Bridgett