Learning French in Reception

Posted: 15th June 2017

Posted on 15th Jun 2017

Reception class started the new year 2017 learning about “La fête des rois” -The Epiphany and the delicious “Galette” cake!  We learnt a song and dance called “La galette” too and of course wished each other a “Bonne Année” – Happy New Year.

We continued learning some simple conversational French asking the question Ҫa va? (How are you?)  Reception class never need much encouragement to chatter; they are born communicators!  So lovely to hear from parents in passing that they continue to practice their French at home…talking fluently in some cases!!

At the end of January we linked into their topic area “Cold lands” and had fun with our “Mon Ane” dvd – My donkey.  We watched with glee the French donkey as he taught us about the cold, wet, windy and snowy weather.  This French dvd is a favourite amongst French children too!

In February…after the excesses of Christmas we were talking “Healthy eating”!  We learnt about exotic fruits in the book “La Surprise de Handa” (Handa’s Surprise) and we discussed in French which foods were good or bad for our health.  It was noted pupils were even taking this information home, advising parents in French about different foods!!!

March brought farm animals and we learnt “Le Vieux Jo” –  Old Macdonald’s farm.  We had lots of fun becoming the animals doing mini role plays.

Easter crept up on us and we learnt a French finger rhyme and we wished each other “Joyeuses Pâques” –  Happy Easter.

April and May brought planting and growing and we became “Les tournesols” – sunflowers; growing from tiny seeds as we counted to ten!!  I ended up with a whole field of beautiful, beaming sunflowers!!  We also planted cabbages with different parts of our body and we enjoyed watching “Mon Ane  – Savez- vous planter les choux?” – Do you know how to plant cabbages?  

Here we are now in June and linking to the topic of “Mini-beasts! “.   We are learning our numbers and foods and how a tiny egg turns into “une chenille”- a caterpillar and eventually “une superbe papillion”- a beautiful butterfly, in the book “La chenille qui fait des trous” – The very hungry caterpillar.  We are always very busy …we do lots of activities and games, songs and dances.  The children always seem so keen and focused; they love exploring and just having fun with the language!

In July, we will move on to transport and learn about different ways of getting around.  We will follow the storybook “Qui conduit?” – Who is driving?  And we will link travel to where they would like to go …or are going …on their summer holiday.

Et voilà!  The school year will have passed with much fun and enjoyment and all the time Reception children are growing in confidence using their French!

Click here to enjoy some photographs of our Reception children in their French lessons.

A la prochaine

Madame Cotton

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