As part of the Early Years Foundation Stage, each child at Edenhurst Nursery from Babies to Early Learners has their own learning journey. As part of these individual journeys, we make observations of children’s interests, achievements and actions in the setting.
Observations can be written, photographs or even a quick magic moment of something unexpected.
These observations can inform where a child is in their development and how our experienced practitioners can extend and increase skills and knowledge. If we don’t know what a child can do, how do we know what they need to do next? Next steps in each child’s learning are established and used to plan and implement appropriate and motivating learning opportunities.
As part of a new initiative this school year, our observations and learning journeys in Nursery have gone online with a program called 2Build a Profile. This allows the staff to use tablets to take photos of the children during activities and type up the observations much quicker than writing it out longhand. Areas of learning such as physical, communication and language and personal, social and emotional development are identified and recorded to make sure every area is covered.
We mustn’t forget sharing all these wonderful photos and observations with parents who can see through email what their child experiences at Nursery. Each parent receives a report each term with how their child is progressing. So if you haven’t already signed up, look out for the email to register your agreement in receiving these wonderful new reports!
Miss Whitmore